Fully managed one stop concrete5 maintenance and hosting service

Datasouth offer a total package for customers who require a fully managed solution for hosting and ongoing development of their concrete5 web site. If you’re fed up with under performing servers and ISPs and Web Designers who blame each other, then give us a call. We are a one stop concrete5 consultancy, design and development workshop with professional server management skills in-house.

We love working with concrete5 and have a lot of experience in designing and developing themes, add-ons and plugins for both concrete5.6 and the more recent 5.7. We are concrete5 Agency Partners and are also serving members of their app store peer review board.

We provide the following as standard:

  • A completely managed service. No coding on your part necessary..
  • 2 weeks of rolling daily backups both onsite and offsite
  • Server Optimised for concrete5
  • Solid State Drives
  • 24/7 Server Monitoring & Maintenance
  • Hosted on Rackspace and ElasticHosts servers.
  • Version Control for Code Management
  • concrete5 agency certified staff
  • Telephone & Email Support

We have a teams in Europe and Asia and are looking for agency partners in Australia, who can provide face to face sales and support to our clients. If you would like to become an agency partner, please get in touch.


2 Kings Road, New Milton, Hampshire, BH25 5AY

UK +44 23 8089 0800 | US +1 917 979 2466

+44 23 8000 0875